Project Timeline


  • Fund it.

    The CORA Committee has applied for state grants:

    1) We were accepted into the Better Places program through the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development. Better Places is a community matching grant program empowering Vermonters to create inclusive and vibrant public places. We are ecstatic that we reached our crowdfunding goal of $20,000 which will now unlock the $40,000 grant. Thank you!

    We now need to continue fundraising so we can build all of the CORA components and maintain the recreation area once built.

    Please DONATE!

    2) The Town of Cornwall Select Board has approved allocating some of the town’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for CORA. ARPA funds were provided to aid public health and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    3) We have also applied for a Community Grant from the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) — a grant that supports communities in growing their local economies through leveraging outdoor recreation. We will hear by mid-March if we will receive the grant.

  • Build it.

    Building CORA will start in the spring/summer of 2024.

    Phase I includes excavation for the site, building the ADA-compliant walking trail, and construction of the tennis and pickleball courts. Planting of pollinator gardens is also envisioned during this initial stage.

    Phase II includes building the picnic pavilion, bocce ball court, horsehoe/cornhole pitch, and paving the ADA-compliant parking lot. Ongoing planting of gardens and trees will continue during this phase.

    Phase III includes installing exercise stations along the walking trail and installing lighting.

  • Enjoy it.

    The goal is to create an intergenerational outdoor recreational area that can be enjoyed by all.

    CORA will increase access to physical activity and promote social connectedness for our community.

    CORA will provide the Town of Cornwall with a community gathering space that does not currently exist.

    CORA will improve the livability, economic vitality, and recreation opportunities in Cornwall and the greater Addison County area.